Floating rate Bond: Bond on which the coupon is established periodically and calculated with reference to short-term interest rates. 浮动利率债券:这种债券的息票是定期确定的,并参照短期资金利率来计算。
The first floating rate T bond ( 010004) has gone on public in Shanghai Stock Exchange Market. So the challenging question of how to price of the floating rate bonds is put forward. 我国证券市场首只浮动利息债券010004的上市,给市场提出了浮息债券应如何定价的问题。
Study the Price of the Floating Rate T-bond 浮息国债的定价研究
The Choice of Benchmark of Floating Rate Notes in China Bond and Life 我国浮动利率债券基准利率选择研究